"Abby gets a little excited when talking about orphans." My dear friend spoke with a twinkle in her eye and a smile on her lips. Her words struck me. "Isn't everyone passionate about orphans and vulnerable children?" I thought. I am immersed in the "African orphan crisis." I live it, breathe it, sweat it, feel it, speak it, hug it. The "crisis" is inextricably woven into my family. I have kept silent for long, as we have sat back as observers and learners. But as our two year anniversary in Uganda approaches, I have decided to put down some thoughts for others to read, hopefully to help our supporters and friends get a better sense for what it means to be a vulnerable child in Africa. As a means of introduction, we adopted one special needs child from Liberia 7 years ago and are adopting one abandoned total orphan from Uganda where we live (we've already been a family for a year and a half). We have three biologically birthe...
Living as before the face of God - as missionaries in Uganda with New Hope Uganda focused on strengthening the local Church.