There is no place we would rather be than in Gulu right now. God is so good to us to allow us to serve him here, have compassion for people here, and live here.
But there are times that there is grief mixed into the joy and peace that God has gifted to us. Those times revolve around once-in-a-lifetime moments in family life. Like the birth of our new nephew last night, or the hospitalization of a family member; our baby niece and nephew sitting up for the first time and giggling; and even the everyday moments that could never be captured in an email or letter or photo.
God has taught me a lot about prayer through our directors who LIVE in prayer. They stop and pray at any moment and it is so powerful. Their relationship with God is real and present and immediate. So, as we live this exciting life on the other side of the world, I am so grateful for a God who listens to my heart and cares for His children omnisciently, omnipresently, and omnipotently! I can pray to the Almighty God for my family and friends who I miss so much and I know that God is listening and caring for us!