(Look at me sitting up at Christmas time with NO braces on!)
Gracie has had 12+ seizures in 2 months, but for the first time ever, she has not required the rescue medicine (diastat) each time - in fact, she's only used it 3-4 times. BUT she's been sleepy, cranky, insomniac, floppy... in other words, on the 3 meds (lamictal, keppra, and depakote) her quality of life has not been good.
So I was looking forward to her neurologist appointment:
Gracie's neurologist appointment went well on Thursday - we are stopping lamictal, keeping her on keppra and depakote (at higher dose), potentially starting a brand new medicine that is coming out at the end of January. We also have appointments to learn more about the ketogenic diet and vagal nerve stimulator. I was pleased that he listened to my concerns about Gracie still having seizures and more importantly not being herself on the three meds.
His eyes bugged out when I told him that we plan on moving to rural Honduras... haha!
Congrats on the good neurologist appt. I hope Gracie gets to feeling better soon.