So, my 13 month old apparently has stashed toys in secret hiding places around the church in case of desperate need. Josh caught her opening a kitchen cupboard in the past to retrieve a toy that he didn't see her put there. He thought nothing of it. But yesterday, we stopped by the church briefly, didn't get any toys out while we did a few things and my sister in law noticed Ana going to the photocopier. We watched as she opened the bottom compartment which is for paper storage and chuckled in amazement that she knew how to open the compartment. Before we could take one step to go instruct her not to play with the copier, she quickly and purposefully pulled something out and confidently reclosed the compartment. She emerged, matter of factly and oblivious to adult supervision... with a toy in each hand, stashed for safe keeping in the copier lest mama and daddy not provide toys on one of our many hours at the church!
A year ago, my friend Rachel emailed a photo of her beautiful son standing on his own... I've since dreamed of having a photo to post of Gracie doing the same thing. It was always one of those wild-don't-think-it'll-ever-happen kind of dreams, a romantic, fairy tale type of dream. But this week, Gracie made another leap in development and muscle tone. It started when I leaned her up against the wall and planted her feet a shoulder-width apart. For the first time, she didn't lunge for the safety of my arms or hands, but rather, she allowed herself to stand steadily on her own two feet and she kept her center of gravity centered over her feet instead of wildly in front of her or to one side or the other. She even quickly figured out that she couldn't lurch around in excitement while standing on her own two feet with no support but a wall behind her back, but rather had to express her excitement over this new development with a gentl...