Lucy, Home of Love's matron and my closest Ugandan friend, often states that Home of Love is truly a home of love. When I ask her any question about how the children will respond to something, she responds that they love each other and they love God. I'm always probing with typical mzungu questions, "How do the children feel when the other children go to visit relatives and these ones have to stay behind?" "How do the children respond to a child who has disabilities?" "Is it okay if these children receive something and those ones do not?" etc. etc. And she is right - they respond in love, for the most part!
They are still children and still have some jealousies and sadnesses. But, we have been amazed at their resilience, their love for each other, and their love for those who are even more vulnerable than they are!
They have not gotten bored of Gracie yet. They find her antics amusing and look on her with such fondness. I rarely find her left alone in her wheelchair. They will pull her up to the table near them and offer her paper. Or they'll gather around her to keep her company.
What a gift!