(Noah is HUGE! and has gotten a little more demanding in his old age - he's ready to be crawling but can't yet so he's a little impatient with life right now. He still adores his sisters and his Daddy - in fact he'll giggle at Daddy from across the room! He's sitting up on his own and working on crawling at five months!)
I get to have Gracie home with me on Mondays now. We arranged for a four day school week for her so that she would miss less school with our support raising trips. So I'm practicing homeschooling with three 100% dependent children! Today we made truffles... I'm not sure why, but I decided that I wanted to make truffles for Valentine's Day (taking advantage of having ANY ingredient that strikes my fancy immediately available while we're still living in the USA?) .
Ana and I bake together a lot and she's very good at helping with ingredients, stirring, and today we worked on measuring - looking for the numbers on the measuring cup and filling up to the right number! (Noah's supervising.)
Gracie enjoyed pouring the measured ingredients into the bowls and especially liked the sensory experience of running her clean fingers through the chocolate chips!