We were discharged yesterday afternoon and we're home. While in the hospital Gracie was refusing all meds, gagging on her food and really not eating well. We got home and she eagerly took all her meds and gobbled down some dinner (which she later spit up)... very interesting! That girl is so complex beneath her non-communicative exterior! She must get more stressed out by being at the hospital than we realize. Granted, the meds might be a different formulation at the hospital and taste different, but we jumped through all kinds of hoops to make them taste different and she was just gagging and refusing left and right!
I hadn't seen Ana since Monday and Ana hadn't seen Gracie since Monday. Josh had told me on the phone that Ana was whiny and clingy and insecure and fussing for "Mama" but when I walked in with Gracie, I hardly got a glance, it was "Gaa-cie!!" who got all the attention! It was adorable. They both were kissing each other and talking to each other. All dinner long they passed food back and forth, sharing cups and bites, Ana was even trying to feed Gracie! How sweet! I'll take the back seat for attention if it means that my girls are best of friends!
Gracie still struggled going to sleep. While she has the EEG leads on, she feels very itchy and compulsively scratches her face and head. She was still itchy last night, despite a long soaking bath and hair wash. I was so tired and with a migraine that I went to bed with her on the couch at 8, but she struggled. Now, they all slept 12 hours!! My family was tired! And I got a jump start on the day and got a shower and spent time with God before anyone popped out of bed! Yay!
The summary is that we don't know what all those episodes were over the last weekend - Gracie didn't have any seizures in the hospital, she was deydrated, but just mildly. Her urine didn't grow anything, chest xray was negative for pneumonia, EKG was negative for arrythmia, her pancreatic enzymes were normal, her liver enzymes were up just a bit, but that could be anything... It seems that she's doing well on the new medicines and just happened to get a stomach bug the week that she started the new medicine.
Thank you for your prayers!
I hadn't seen Ana since Monday and Ana hadn't seen Gracie since Monday. Josh had told me on the phone that Ana was whiny and clingy and insecure and fussing for "Mama" but when I walked in with Gracie, I hardly got a glance, it was "Gaa-cie!!" who got all the attention! It was adorable. They both were kissing each other and talking to each other. All dinner long they passed food back and forth, sharing cups and bites, Ana was even trying to feed Gracie! How sweet! I'll take the back seat for attention if it means that my girls are best of friends!
Gracie still struggled going to sleep. While she has the EEG leads on, she feels very itchy and compulsively scratches her face and head. She was still itchy last night, despite a long soaking bath and hair wash. I was so tired and with a migraine that I went to bed with her on the couch at 8, but she struggled. Now, they all slept 12 hours!! My family was tired! And I got a jump start on the day and got a shower and spent time with God before anyone popped out of bed! Yay!
The summary is that we don't know what all those episodes were over the last weekend - Gracie didn't have any seizures in the hospital, she was deydrated, but just mildly. Her urine didn't grow anything, chest xray was negative for pneumonia, EKG was negative for arrythmia, her pancreatic enzymes were normal, her liver enzymes were up just a bit, but that could be anything... It seems that she's doing well on the new medicines and just happened to get a stomach bug the week that she started the new medicine.
Thank you for your prayers!