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After months of waiting for the “next step” and weeks of chasing paperwork and juggling schedules of the very busy local child-welfare official and our social worker (who is the administrator for ACTION Gulu AND the head social worker at Home of Love AND just finishing his last term of a degree program!)… it looks like tomorrow might be bring-Moses-home day! Praise God!

Our kids have been pretty good about “when Moses joins our family.” I was worried that the constant waiting and unknown might be difficult. But they’re missionary kids. All the younger two have ever known is the uncertainty of being missionaries – when will we go to Uganda? When will we go to the USA? When will we see Mimi again?

Our concern also extends to the other children at Home of Love. Moses is the first adoption at Home of Love. The children have seen other children reunited with extended family members when the home situation became stable enough. But they have never seen one of their own be taken into the family of a missionaries that they all know and love. They have never seen one of their own be singled out in such a dramatic way.

So, tonight, in a tiny attempt to show them our love for ALL of them, I’m baking cookies for all of them. Tomorrow, when we show up as a family at Home of Love, we’ll give them cookies and take Moses away from them into our family forever. Sounds trivial, but it's one small attempt to show them that this is reason for all of them to celebrate for their "brother!"

Will you pray for everyone? Pray for the Home of Love children who will be processing this event. Pray for Moses as he is so excited to join our family but may not realize the full implications of being in a family. Pray for the rest of our children as they make room in so many ways for another four year old. Pray for all of us as we continue to spend time with the Home of Love children and staff in just the same way, except now Moses will show up with us as a Rattin and not a “Home of Love child.”

Josh got the privilege of sitting Moses down with the Matron (Lucy) and assistant social worker (Ruth) this week. As he held Moses on his lap, he watched Moses’ tiny smile grow and grow as Moses started to understand that his dream of being part of our family is becoming reality. I think this is a memory that Josh will always cherish!

I won’t wax eloquent in this post about adoption. There are so many excellently written books, articles, and blogs about adoption. All I will say is that we are so privileged and humbled to make it part of our lives and to be adopted by God as FULL HEIRS to the kingdom with Jesus Christ!

We’re eager to start this new season of life with Moses!


Unknown said…
Oh Abby!... I am SO thrilled for you - to be given this gift of being a mother to Moses - revealing the heart of God to him & investing in his life... only God is the creator of such beauty! PTL!!!!! I'll be thinking of you & praying for you as you all transition...
Melodie said…
I am just overwhelmed with joy about your adoption of Moses! Since you first mentioned it in your newsletter I have been bursting with excitement for you and have wanted to write and say just how thrilled I am that God has opened the door to welcome this child into your home. One day when we are on the mission field I pray we are able to adopt a national child in a similar fashion.

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