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Like Daddy like son!

We had a small dinner celebration with our teammates (the Riegers) - I made lasagna (haven't had that in nearly a year!!!) and chocolate cake with caramel topping and the Riegers brought LEMON cake from a MIX! Ah! the small pleasures in life!

This adoption is so different from Gracie's... in so many ways!

Josh has known Moses for years. We've known him as a family since November. We have spent a lot of time with him and he has even lived in our home for a few weeks. So we aren't bringing a complete stranger into our family, like Gracie was. Neither is this our first child, like Gracie was. We are still living, playing, working in the same places that Moses has spent every day of his life. In fact, HE is more comfortable in many of the settings than we are!

We got word Friday night that we could show up at Home of Love Saturday at 10:00am to take Moses home. What beautiful timing! We had wondered for so long how and when we would find out that we could bring him home. But bringing him home on the weekend gave us time as a family to relax together, let Josh be a significant presence and set the stage before we plunge into our first week together as a family.

When arrived at Home of Love promptly at 10:00am and Bosco was just behind us. Home of Love appeared deserted - we have NEVER seen it so quiet and still. As we unloaded the kids from the car, Moses rounded the corner, alone, looking so very "smart" in a nice play outfit and his black school shoes. He was very serious but immediately stuck with us and Ana stuck to him like glue. These four-year-olds understood what was happening!

We found everyone gathered in the meeting/eating structure, waiting for us, solemnly. We greeted and Bosco gave introductory words and we realized that this was a small event and we were going to have a chance to talk with the children and staff about what was going on. We were so grateful! Josh and Bosco gave spur of the moment speeches, focused on the centrality of adoption in the Gospel/Bible. They gave reassurances that their "brother" Moses was still going to be around, still in school with them, still playing with them, but would belong to our family now.

It was a beautiful time of sharing and reassurance and it was beautiful to see the concern that the children had for Moses. One of the mamas really seemed to understand and gave a beautiful talk to the children as well. It hit me during that time, that this was really happening! Moses was really coming into our family!

I gave out the cookies that I had baked for the children - so glad that I had taken the time to do so because that small token meant a lot. Then, our FOUR children disappeared as the other children dispersed. As Josh and Bosco talked amongst themselves longer, our children all went directly to the car, clinging to each other, apparently eager to start their new life as a family! What an amazing show of affection!

The kids have been eagerly awaiting for Moses to occupy his bed, so this was a big event! Yes, the Dora decals will be shifted around and more appropriate boy decor put up (glow in the dark stars for Moses and jungle animals for Noah), but we wanted Moses to be part of that and we're waiting for the girls' bed to be made.

BUT, it was tea time, and you can't leave during tea time. So I coaxed the children to come back and eat some porridge. We didn't delay long and they were quite happy to get in the car and head off into the mid-day heat together as a family!

For our "family adventure," we went to Uchumi (the only supermarket in town) and shopped as a family. Moses' first time in such a supermarket and Ana's favorite place, so they had a blast! The store was out of flour (yes, these things happen all the time, even with staples like flour, and are quite expected) so we ran to another store (a small Indian-owned shop) to get flour for all my necessary baking.

I spent the rest of the day cooking and baking for dinner with the Riegers, our teammates, as the kids went crazy with their excitement to be together!

There are going to be some significant days of adjustment ahead of us. Moses is coming from an unstructured life to a very structured life. We have many rules, he has known very very few rules. We have many expectations, he has never had expectations placed on him. He was the baby at Home of Love, here he is maybe the second oldest (and he sure loves being Noah's big brother, that's for sure!). He barely knows his letters and can't write his own name, his peer, Ana, reads at a 8 year old level. BUT, he is a helpful, caring, and kind-hearted boy who is going to be such a great brother to his siblings!

Josh and Uncle Bosco (the social worker) shared with Home of Love - all children and staff gathered promptly at 10:00am for our arrival!


Mama said…
What a beautiful celebration of Moses' leaving Home of Love to become a permanent part of your family! We do wish we could have been a part of it all! With prayers for smooth transitions for all!

Love, Mama Mac

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