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admitted to Children's again

Thank you for all your prayers for Gracie. We are being admitted to Children's - 3 days of 5-6 seizures per day different from her normal seizure, not taking much liquids and no food, and fussiness...

She's exhausted and clearly feeling sick (although right now looks a little brighter and starting to drool again because she's gotten lots of IV fluids and ate some crackers and pedialyte). Her chest xray is normal, cell counts are normal, liver and kidneys and sugar are normal, and only thing ever so slightly abnormal are her pancreatic enzymes. The new medicine that she's on (depakote) can cause pancreatitis. We'll recheck her pancreas in the morning. She'll also get put back on the EEG in the morning - fun times with all those leads being put back onto her scalp! Josh gets that duty... ;-)

So, long story short, we don't know why she's been having 5-6 strange seizures a day. We shall see! We'll keep you posted.

Josh will be spending the night with Gracie - he's been at church stuff all day with Ana from 8am till 6pm, so once he's done he'll head down to Boston to exchange children. I have to work as I am officially starting my first day of REAL employment tomorrow (HORRAY!!) and haven't accrued any time off yet. As always, our life takes interesting turns!

God is sovereign and in charge of all and we are so grateful for that!


Annee said…
I will be praying for all of you.

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