"I'm just a student." Oh the beauty of that statement! You'll never know until that season is over... but the carte blanche that comes with the title "student" is truly once in a lifetime. You can go, experience, taste, see. As a student you are clearly there to learn. No other expectations are placed on you. Everyone knows that students are poor, have little influence, and are nomadic in nature. When you cease to be a "student" (by title), expectations and hopes are raised by your presence. Cultural blunders change from being funny learning opportunities to dangerous offenses. This has become increasingly clear to us as our opportunities for learning are curtailed by our roles and responsibilities within our organization. When we go somewhere, regardless of OUR motivation, we are viewed as ambassadors of Action International Ministries. We are so grateful that we had the opportunity as students to sleep in Masaai huts 'on the g...
Living as before the face of God - as missionaries in Uganda with New Hope Uganda focused on strengthening the local Church.