This article by our mission board's founder spoke to my heart for orphans. Orphanages Can Be Used Greatly by God (Why We Cannot Just Leave Street Children on the Street) by Doug Nichols (Missionary to Children in Africa, Asia, and Latin America since 1968) It is very discouraging to read articles which are basically negative in regards to caring for orphans and street children in orphanages. Of course, a loving home is better than an orphanage, but does that mean we should give up on orphanages altogether? We do realize that there are some unacceptable orphanages in the world, but creating more loving God centered orphanages could bring glory to God and save thousands of children the pain and abuse they face every day on the street. We need to support both adoption and orphanages. Although placing a child into a loving family should be our goal, it is not always possible. An orphan or a street child is not taken directly from the street to a home. There is usually some type of ...
Living as before the face of God - as missionaries in Uganda with New Hope Uganda focused on strengthening the local Church.