Well, Gracie's seizures are not well controlled on lamictal. Yesterday evening she had the saddest seizure as she was actually aware that her seizure was coming. After I finished stretching her, she started looking so scared, I thought that maybe I stretched her too aggressively so maybe I had hurt something. She just kept looking more and more scared and starting hugging me tightly. After a minute of this, her right arm started seizing, then her mouth and face, she was still aware and looked terrified as she gradually slipped into a grand mal seizure. Even during the intial parts of the grand mal, her left hand wasn't seizing so she just kept reaching to us. It was so sad! Gave her diazepam and she fell asleep, poor baby! Much better when she isn't even aware that she is having a seizure. But this may shed light on why she's been acting so scared and crying so much at night. Perhaps when she has her night time seizures, she is also aware of those and has been waking up...