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Missionary struggles: lifestyle

Death to self.

We don't mind death to self.  We feel honored to share just a tiny bit in Christ's suffering.

But chocolate cookies and lasagna... now that would be nice.

A quick meal and a dishwasher... running water and electricity.  Running to the store and knowing that you'll find a desired ingredient.  Fast food for those days on the road.  A straight answer and a fair price. Somewhere to buy your food that doesn't involve fly-covered meat, open stares, haggling, and harassment... No animals wandering through the house, no snakes lurking in the tall grass... medical care available for your family, vaccines, quick answers, thorough tests...

On a good day, these things mean nothing.  Just conveniences, luxuries!

But on a stressful day, on a bone-weary day, on that day where all the children are falling apart at the same time... during that night when the house is finally quiet... but is too quiet...

On those days, the missionary lifestyle can be a struggle.  I just want a box of brownies - I don't want to spend another hour in the kitchen making something else from scratch.  I just want to know that I can count on having running water tomorrow to do the laundry.  I just want to know that I can count on going to the store and finding cheese.  The missionaries in the village might long to not have to chop the wood to fire up the wood stove to bake cookies.  Or have water piped right into their home.

These are tiny struggles - in fact, many missionaries are a bit embarrassed to have those thoughts cross their minds.  Our neighbors live in huts and fetch their water from a well a mile away and I'm pining after chocolate?! My pastor's wife has struggled with health problems for years with no real answers and I wish I could not be Dr. Mom for once and that someone else could decide if my kid is sick or not?!

But, these struggles are real, nonetheless.

The answer is not the package in the mail full of chocolate chips and M&Ms.  The answer is Christ.  Is he all that I need? Do I rely on satisfying my cravings for my joy or is Christ more than that? Am I "contending for the faith" daily by preaching the Gospel to myself daily, praying, keeping myself in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life? (read the book of Jude)

Pray that your missionaries would indeed rest in Christ and fix their eyes on eternity.  Perhaps your luxuries will also fade in allure as you do the same!


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