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In Uganda!

Well, we're here! I'm writing some reflections on the patio at Adonai House in Kampala, Uganda on about 4 hours of sleep spread thinly over the last TWO nights and days... talk about tiredness and jet-lag! The children are reacting to jet-lag with hyperactivity and a general crazy fast-paced delirium. Mom and Dad are bumps on a log feeling tortured by the children.

Our trip to Uganda could not have gone smoother. The attendants and ticket agents with British Airways were more than accomodating to us with our insane amount of luggage and unique travel needs. We ended up on less than full flights which meant that we got extra seats!! Those of you who have traveled with a lap infant (or any aged child) know that an extra seat or two is invaluable for sleep and general peacefulness. Praise God for extra seats on both flights!

We made our connection in Heathrow without any difficulty despite having to go through security again (surprise!) and take how many elevators within the same terminal (surprise!). Our instruments made it even though the violin and guitar made our trip MUCH harder and got us frequent references to the Von Trapp family.

The children slept some and were overall excellent, loving the special adventure of flying on an international flight where they feed you well and have lots of TV options!

We did not receive 7 of our checked items once we arrived in Uganda: two of the carseats, the double stroller, half of Gracie's KidWalk and wheelchair (yes, one bin of the parts made it through - interesting!), and 3 more bins. There is another flight in to Uganda from London on Friday, so pray that those items arrive then!

We can't believe that we are IN Uganda finally! It feels so familiar - an interesting mix of west and east Africa - so in that sense it feels like home. But this is the trip that we have been preparing for years to take and now we're here! It is so fun to see our kids in Africa - it's not unusual or strange to them at this age, they're just here and making new friends. What a marvelous childhood!

Today, we focus on recovering and staying awake until dinner time. Tomorrow, we start our long list of things to do in Kampala before we head up to Gulu!

THANK YOU for all your kindness, generosity, and love!


Rebecca said…
So glad to hear how the Lord provided! We will be praying that all of the items arrive safely and BEFORE you have to move on from Kampala. Also, and that you and Josh would miraculously get the rest you need or be refreshed in a way that "transcends understanding". Numbers 6:24-26
Amanda said…
Can't wait to come visit!!!

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