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Reminders of God's Grace

Our first week back at home after 2.5 weeks on the road has been filled with adventures! Reminding us that we are who we are! Rattins, prone to sin, and prone to adventures!

BOTH cars broke down on the same day, just miles after returning from over 3000 miles on the road - Praise God that #1 - the cars broke down AFTER our safe return and #2 - Gracie now rides the bus to school!

Our building's fire alarm apparently went off multiple times in our absence. It went off at 9:30pm on one of our first nights back. We woke the kids up and went outside because the hallway near us seemed a little smoky. It was a false alarm. The kids were too sleepy and cold to be impressed with the fire truck and firemen.

Josh went to his elder's meeting last night and the building fire alarm went off again just as Ana fell out of bed and Gracie was crying for unknown reasons (maybe not wanting the knee immobilizer on her leg while she slept? I would cry too probably!). I decided to ignore the fire alarm, keeping a nose and eye on the hallway for any signs of actual danger (we live on the ground floor with 5 points of rapid escape so I wasn't too worried). Noah also decided that he was famished at that time, so I started nursing him and heard dripping in the bathroom. I found a bathroom full of water dripping from our ceiling. Noah kept nursing as I scurried around placing towels at strategic points. I found our upstairs neighbors to let them know that their bathroom was leaking into ours. I came back in to find the ceiling dripping into our kitchen. I thought it was an old defunct sprinkler system. I had noticed that it dripped the other night when the fire alarm went off. I placed more towels and settled down to finish paying our bills and hopefully get to bed!

I "happened" to be doing laundry today in the common laundry room when I saw a stranger wandering around the building. I asked if I could help him find a certain apartment and he informed me that he was trying to fix our fire alarm system. After talking for a while, I invited him to look at our unit if it would help him figure out what is in each unit (every building is different in our complex). He took one look at our "sprinkler" and informed us that we don't have a sprinkler, but instead it's a heat sensor that he been short circuiting every time our upstairs neighbor's water leaks into our ceiling, causing the fire alarm to go off and the fire station to be called!! HA! God is good to orchestrate it so that I FINALLY got around to doing my mounds of laundry just as this gentleman was in the building to fix the system. It would have taken a long time for him to go to every unit and figure out that it was OURS (well, our neighbor's) that was causing the problems! Praise God! Now we just need to get the water leaking problem fixed!

Ana is a great helper. She was thrilled to bake some whole wheat oatmeal craisin/raisinette cookies with me today! Yes, she dresses herself - I love her sense of style!

Gracie arrives home from school in this state every day - adorable! I get her off the bus on the wheelchair lift and all the way into the house, fast asleep, and she stays asleep for 15-20 minutes longer too! This is the best that we can do with her head/neck - tying a neck pillow around her to support her a little.

Noah graduated to being old enough and interested enough to play on a play mat! Ana is excited by his new "playground" and he enjoys sisterly attention and toys dangling in his face!


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