I was specifically moved this Easter as I thought about Jesus as the Lamb. I was just reading a book called, The Gospel for Real Life, where the author wrote about the two lambs in the Old Testament that were sacrificed each year for the nation of Israel. One lamb was for propitiation and was sacrificed. The high priest prayed over this lamb and confessed the sins of Israel over the lamb and the lamb died in the place of Israel to satisfy God's wrath against sin. The other lamb received the sins of Israel as well but was sent into the wilderness as a symbol of Israel's sin being flung as far as possible. The sins are forgiven, God's wrath is satisfied, and the sins are separated from us, as far as the east is from the west. Jesus was BOTH lambs and so our sin no longer separates us from the holy God, His wrath is satisfied, and our sin no longer hangs over us as a reason to feel guilty. Those who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and savior of their lives are completely forgiven by Jesus' sacrifice. Amazing Grace!!!
I thought you might enjoy a little song from our song bird! 16 month old Ana is not a great performer as she prefers to smile and say "cheese" to the camera, but every so often I capture her non-stop singing on camera!