Now, Gracie is just itching to get back to school. She really misses it when she doesn't have school - home is so boring!! After a week of school vacation, our new foot of snow today got us yet another snow day! She also didn't get to go to speech therapy or physical therapy and tomorrow she'll miss horse therapy because of a consultation with the neurosurgeon who places the vagal nerve stimulator. I'm not sure that we'll do VNS at the moment since her seizures have been excellent since stopping lamictal. But it's worth finding out more about.
The trip.... well! It was interesting! It was a lot of fun to be in Honduras again, enjoy the warm weather, and... not travel with the girlies! We were so encouraged by the missionaries that we met and we were so burdened with the spiritual need in Latin America. BUT... more to follow...
Now to rescue the whining child off the floor - Gracie seems to forget that she can play with a toy sometimes... or move... but she always remembers that she can whine very very VERY loudly!.... 'sigh!'