Gracie and I had fun making valentines for her classes - Gracie was intrigued with the hole punch but thought the rest was quite boring!
Our lovey Ana has quite the motherly streak in her - she loves her "babies" (has been found to be changing her baby doll's diaper, including wiping her bum!) and takes care of Gracie already. She carefully hands things to Gracie directly into her left hand (the only hand that works) and is eager to take her things. She's quite a help at 14 months! She was overjoyed to encounter this "real" baby, her cousin Ella, who tolerated being "cared for" very well!
My Gracie is such a beautiful girl! We are so blessed to have this gorgeous happy daughter!
Gracie has become ALIVE again off lamictal. She's now on two meds, Depakote and Keppra, and she has started waking up and being alert during the day, sleeping at night with less and less melatonin and coaxing and nighttime moans and groans. She's participating in school and now we're trying to play catch up with a lot of the skills that she lost or failed to progress on while she was doped up on so many meds for her seizures. She's still having seizures, but on the depakote they are mostly self-limited! This changes the game entirely!! If she can continue to have seizures that are NOT life threatening every time, we can live with this and it opens a lot more possibilities for her. That being said, I haven't been able to move her BACK out of our room yet, but at least she's out of our bed!! It has been so wonderful to see Gracie emerging again. Our neurologist is interested in trying a new med for her, but I think I will insist on taking her OFF Keppra if we try a 3rd med so that she's only on two at a time. Her quality of life was horrendous on 3 meds with limited seizure benefit! But here she is, character shining forth again!